This might be a better question than you think. How about this one, would you trust someone that cheated on their spouse? How about a liar? We’ll get back to this in a minute. I just finished watching a video on YouTube that must have taken someone hundreds of hours to produce. This video shows 5 or more pastors trying their best to discredit dispensational Bible study. As a Bible believer, I don’t mind listening to my critics. The video does clearly show that dispensational Bible study is in fact taking what the Bible says literally and these pastors show their hatred of this type of Bible study in ways that the best CNN reporters would be proud of. This particular video was created by Baptist pastors in California, but the denomination really does not matter. I hope you understand that if we cannot agree that the Bible is our authority and is the source of all truth then we probably won’t agree on much else. I have no plans on calling these men names or playing spooky music while I talk about their theology which I know very well. I can only say that if the Bible says something different than what they preach every Sunday that I have made the conscious decision to believe what the Bible says over their preaching. If you have read my blogs, you know that I say it is usually asking too much to ask someone to believe their Bible over what they hear week after week from a pulpit. These men spent and inordinate amount of time claiming that John Nelson Darby invented dispensational Bible study and since Darby had issues, being a Bible believer must be wrong. Let’s go back to the question I started with. Would you trust a man that cheated on his wife and killed a man? If not then, you better stop reading the book of Psalms today because David did these things. I could easily find some news stories about some evil things some Baptist preacher did and then try to use that to say all Baptist preachers are bad, but we both know that argument and tactic doesn’t hold water. These men lambasted dispensationalists because many are King James only and then blasted Darby for translating the Bible when thousands of Baptist churches are filled with new versions and the KJV alike. Here is where the rubber meets the road. I don’t really care how many dispensations you think there are in the Bible. I teach dispensational Bible principles every Sunday, and I don’t need the word “dispensation” to do it. We teach by reading verses and believing what we just read. When you just believe the words as they are written, that’s enough. I teach the verses exactly as they are written to whom they were written to, and the Bible will take care of the rest. Every one of those pastors will preach John 3:16 regularly as our gospel message Sunday after Sunday. John 4:22 says that salvation belongs to the Jews, and John 5:29 says that our works determine where we spend eternity. Why do they never preach the context of John 3:16? The fact is I believe all three verses, and all three verses are in perfect harmony with the rest of the Bible when you rightly divide the Bible and follow Pauline doctrine the way you are instructed to in scripture. To try to say rightly dividing the Bible is wrong because Darby supposedly created it is foolish and a very weak argument. Why? The Bible itself teaches that there are dispensations. I see no need in picking on a certain denomination or group because the second you start interpreting scripture through ANY denominational filter you are wrong. I am perfectly ok with being called the horrible things these pastors called me. Why? 1 Cor 3:9-11 clearly states that we must be building upon the foundation that Paul built, and it’s not a coincidence that this is in context with the judgment seat of Christ, verses 12-15. I am building upon Paul’s foundation who built upon Christ. Please read these verses! Better yet, read these verses and then BELIEVE them. Christ does not judge you based on your denominational tradition, but how you built upon Paul’s foundation because these verses are clear that Paul is the wise masterbuilder. You cannot serve Christ our Savior properly without following Paul’s instructions and recognizing Paul as our example.
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AuthorSteve Schoenberger is a student of the Bible and the minister at Abundant Grace Bible Fellowship, A Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible church teaching the Bible rightly divided according the revelation of the mystery delivered to the Apostle Paul Archives
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