When you study like a right divider you come to realize that every word matters. You come to realize that there are dozens of doctrines you were never taught in church. You come to realize some things you were taught as rock solid facts are just a pet denominational doctrine held by your church. Even this week I found something that I was taught as fact growing up is not clearly described in scripture. The reason many people don’t understand certain doctrines properly is the failure to see progressive revelation. More specifically, progressive revelation in Paul’s ministry. When Paul tells us to rightly divide, this includes his ministry also. An obvious one in Rom 2:17 is Paul speaking to those that called themselves “Jews” and “restest in the law” Why do you call me a heretic for teaching that in this context Paul is not speaking to the body of Christ? Is this that hard to figure out? Paul speaks to and about the Jews several times in Romans. Why do you call me names for believing my Bible as written? I will stand at the judgment seat with only the Bible as my standard. Some will stand there touting the size of their denomination, their education, and their man-made theological positions. Which would you rather have? Why do I teach there is no water baptism in the age of grace? Because Paul says so. Some might say “but Paul baptized” to which I agree. Paul baptized during the Acts period as he was receiving the mystery from Jesus. Acts 18:8 Paul baptizes some in Corinth. Does this make me wrong? I ask you: Why does Paul later write BACK TO THE CORINTHIANS that he was not sent to baptize? (I Cor 1:17) The answer is clear to those interested in truth. Jesus told him to stop. Why would I think this? Paul was continually receiving revelations from Jesus himself. Gal 1:11-12, Gal 2:2, Eph 3:3, II Cor 12:1, II Cor 12:7, Acts 26:16, Acts 18:9. Paul was a Jew and thus was familiar with the ceremonial washings that John the Baptist had been teaching and Jesus used during his earthly ministry. So, Paul of course would have started water baptizing. It is completely clear that Paul is later told by Jesus to stop baptizing. This of course is when Jesus explains to Paul that Circumcision and baptism are now spiritual; and not physical. Col 2:10-13. Paul tells us the ordinances were nailed to Christ’s cross. Why then do you teach 2 ordinances? Paul says we are complete in him, so why do you add things? Yes, Paul baptized during the Acts period. Where then do you find a command from Paul to water baptize in his 13 epistles? You don’t! Paul’s doctrine for us today is NOT found in the book of Acts where he was trying to do “all things” so he might win some of his countrymen. The purpose of the books of Acts is NOT to establish body of Christ doctrine. Do you shave your head and take a vow today like Paul does in the book of Acts? Of course not. But remember this, I can articulate EXACTLY WHY we would not do it today in this age. Paul says he spoke with tongues more that ANYONE. Does your church speak in tongues? Why not, Paul did!! Paul then wrote BACK TO CORINTH later that tongues were going to cease. When? At the end of the Acts period. Paul stopped speaking in tongues when JESUS TOLD HIM TO STOP, I Cor 13:8. Just like you find Paul stopped healing. Healing was promised to Israel not us. Once Israel is set aside in blindness Paul and others LOSE the ability to do miracles and healing. All these things are clear and easy to understand and make complete sense when you understand Paul had these temporary sign gifts while God was still dealing with Israel. ALL These things went away because today we live by faith not by sight. Today we get grace IN OUR TRIALS NOT deliverance from our trials. You can understand your Bible. It will take ONE THING. You must learn how to rightly divide the Bible. Does your church teach this? I do. Call me what you will. I am complete in Christ! Amen and amen!
AuthorSteve Schoenberger is a student of the Bible and the minister at Abundant Grace Bible Fellowship, A Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible church teaching the Bible rightly divided according the revelation of the mystery delivered to the Apostle Paul Archives
January 2025
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