The phrase “dull of hearing” is found three times in scripture. All three occurrences are in reference to Israel. Israel didn’t have “ears to hear” according to Jesus either. We are no better today than Israel was back then. For much of Christianity which darkens the door of a church building on Sunday mornings at best, the weightier topics of doctrinal things are way beyond reach. The milk of most Sunday morning services is quite enough for their appetite. They have no interest in listening to doctrinal teaching or the meat of the word. For the small percentage of Christians that study and attend all services their church offers, they have no interest in listening to thoughts, ideas, or doctrinal teaching outside their normal menu. Some people have a natural ability to hear notes and pitches well enough to play by ear. Some even more rare have perfect pitch and might be called a prodigy. I recently saw a 10-year-old play piano with such skill it would rival seasoned pianists. My guitar skills plateaued long ago. I can hear if someone makes a mistake while playing, but probably can’t do much better myself. In churches all across the world we have buildings full of Christians that have plateaued in their Bible study long ago. They are mostly content with what they know. When a question arises, they ask a preacher or SS teacher and are content with the answer. A true musical prodigy is very rare in real life. Most accomplished musicians got there by hard work and practice. The Bible is much the same way. You gain understanding by proper study. I have a friend whom I introduced to right division, recently tell me that people in his church think he studies 24 hours a day. They think this because he has learned to study his Bible according to the method the Bible expects. This study method is to righty divide your Bible and to follow the Apostle Jesus sent to you, the Apostle Paul. Foolish and unlearned men might call this worshipping Paul. Such is not the case. Jesus is my Savior and Paul is my Apostle. People in my friend’s church thinks he studies 24 hours a day because he can explain things in a way they have never heard from their preacher or denomination. And beyond that, they can actually understand what he us saying if they choose to. God’s ways are not our ways. God expects us to approach the bible with a ready mind, an open heart, and a willingness to let God be true regardless of what some preacher or professor says. To ignore Paul today is to be “dull of hearing” as Israel was. Sure, you can hear a good song. You might be able to strum the chords. You might even notice an occasional off-note, but you will never hear the beautiful, harmonious, symphony of perfectly blended musical perfection that is the Bible. When most Christians make it to heaven, they will be taking remedial Bible classes. Christians that have sat in Sunday School and church services their entire lives will be in need of tutors and teachers because they are not going to understand what is going on. They have been dull of hearing anything but the denomination they put their faith in. They will need led by the hand of those that have given the Bible free course in their life. The preacher of 60 years will be tutored by the 16-year-old that knows how to rightly divide. You can choose to strum a few chords, or you can choose to write a classical arrangement, and the choice if yours. I am thankful every time I open my Bible that I found the path to proper Bible understanding. I’m not special, or a Bible prodigy. There is no such thing. I learned that walking in Paul’s shoes puts me EXACTLY where Jesus wants me to be. Because Jesus sent Paul to me. Simple!
AuthorSteve Schoenberger is a student of the Bible and the minister at Abundant Grace Bible Fellowship, A Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible church teaching the Bible rightly divided according the revelation of the mystery delivered to the Apostle Paul Archives
October 2024
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