Recently I was asked about our statement of faith. We don’t really have a specific statement of faith on our website. I can’t say I’m against them but I’m not so sure they are all that helpful. Why would a person use one? I’ll tell you why. They use them to see if a church believes like they do and if they don’t agree with the statement of faith they quickly move on. Let me ask you a question; who are you? Do you think your beliefs are so rock solid that you can’t be wrong? Do you think you have such a solid grip on doctrine that you cannot be wrong? What you will find here at Abundant Grace Bible Fellowship are people that have spent MANY years in many different churches under educated pastors and guess what; they found out they were wrong about some things. Do you know why God hates pride so much? Because our pride is EXACTY what keeps us from a proper understanding of the Bible. I spent many years teaching only to find out I was wrong about some things. Over the years I have challenged people to study the doctrinal statements of denominations OTHER THAN theirs. My reasoning? If you have the guts to do this, you will find out that all those doctrines you claim are wrong and you say you don’t agree with, you will see that those churches have BIBLE VERSES to prove their stance. YES, they have verses to prove their DIFFERENT doctrine than yours. I want people to see this because only right division answers ALL THE QUESTIONS of the confusion in Christianity. If I do put a statement of faith on our website (which I still might do someday) all people will do is skim over it, see something they don’t like and move on. Don’t you realize how wrong it is to do this? Don’t you realize it’s about TRUTH? How can you claim to be standing in truth if you never challenge it? Can you critique something you have not actually tested? NO! What Christians do today is instantly write off things just because it sounds different. The Bereans were complimented for the fact that they LISTENED, then COMPARED what was taught to scripture. Christians don’t have the hunger for the truth or the gumption today to do this. Most would rather go home and watch football. My statement of faith is actually quite simple. I can sum it up this way: I believe EVERY VERSE in my King James Bible EXACTLY as its written, TO WHOM it is written. If you think you do this also then you should be here studying with us. Here are the facts, VERY FEW churches do what I just said. Most churches grab verses from wherever they see fit for the purpose at hand. Most churches preach from the gospels most Sundays when the gospels ARE NOT our doctrine according to Jesus himself. I want people to actually see for themselves that the Bible is a PERFECT revelation of God’s will. Gods will for Israel is DIFFERENT than Gods will for us. Just understanding this concept alone would open your eyes to the harmony and perfection in scripture. Right division creates Bible student out of people that never thought they could understand the Bible. Won’t you take the time to actually listen to some teaching from a literal interpretation of scripture and let the Bible show you its perfection? We are to let the Bible have “free course” in our lives. The problem is, the Bible can’t have free course to direct us because we’re too worried about our “beliefs.” If someone could show you why you might need to rethink something, would you have the integrity to actually do it? These are serious questions and thoughts. What about you?
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AuthorSteve Schoenberger is a student of the Bible and the minister at Abundant Grace Bible Fellowship, A Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible church teaching the Bible rightly divided according the revelation of the mystery delivered to the Apostle Paul Archives
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