I had a conversation once with a young man that was quite offended when I said I was not worried about being called orthodox. The young man was quite offended at the notion. Maybe the young man someday will understand that orthodoxy in religious circles today is a moving target. Bring orthodox today is relative. This fact is quite easy to prove. Ask 10 men from 10 different denominations to write down their theological positions on 10 different topics. Do you know what you will get? I don’t even need to ask you because you already know that you will get MANY differing opinions on each topic. The kicker is all these men would consider themselves orthodox. Websters 1828 gives this definition for “Orthodoxy” Soundness of faith; a belief in the genuine doctrines taught in the scriptures. So, if you have 10 different men stating their opinion on a doctrine, and the opinions are different, where does that leave orthodoxy? You can easily prove the same thing with the word Fundamental. Do this same exercise with 10 men that consider themselves fundamental. You will get the same outcome. The only way you can get 10 men to give you a similar answer is to ask 10 men from the exact same group within their given denomination. This PROVES my point. The word Fundamental that I grew up hearing quite often means very little today. Nor does the word Orthodox. I do not care if people think I am fundamental or orthodox, because I am scriptural! Most times orthodoxy and fundamentalism are based on popular opinions and scripture seen through the lens of denomination. Here is just one topic to prove my point. If I told your preacher that the church today IS NOT the bride of Christ I would be called names. The Bible DOES NOT teach that the church is the bride of Christ. This is EASILY PROVEN in scripture if you had a heart for truth. Israel is the bride. We are part of the groom! We can’t be the bride. So, your “orthodox” and “fundamental” position is wrong. I believe what the Bible actually teaches that God marries Israel and his Beulah land just like Revelation says. People consider you orthodox or fundamental when you believe LIKE THEY DO. This renders the words practically speaking, useless. These two words are not found in my King James Bible. Funny thing is when I use the word dispensation, which is found in my Bible four times people want to call me names. When I teach the mystery which is mentioned over a dozen times people tell me they don’t know what I’m talking about. Read Paul. Read the information Jesus revealed ONLY TO PAUL and you will clearly see exactly what I’m talking about. I don’t have any use for the words fundamental or orthodox. I prefer the words literal, Biblical, scriptural, dispensational, and mystery. These can be studied and proven in my Bible. The Bible speaks of the simplicity that is in Christ. Wouldn’t you like to see it?
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AuthorSteve Schoenberger is a student of the Bible and the minister at Abundant Grace Bible Fellowship, A Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible church teaching the Bible rightly divided according the revelation of the mystery delivered to the Apostle Paul Archives
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