We are still studying the gospel here at Grace Bible Study and have had some good discussions recently about eternal security. Many Christians probably can’t adequately show why they believe what they believe on this subject. As with many doctrinal positions, both sides of the argument can be “Biblical” which is why we have denominations instead of just Christians. Both sides have verses that prove their position. Yes there are Bible verses that are used to prove eternal security and there are verses that seem to teach the ability to loose ones salvation. This is exactly why we have denominations on both sides of this fence that will never agree (Phil 2:2). Here is the problem with the entire situation. Both sides of this doctrinal argument don’t rightly divide their Bible, so this doctrine will continue to divide Christianity as it has for hundreds of years. The current method is to use “proof texts” that teach your position and ignore the verses that teach the other position. As right dividers we teach all the verses. If you just pick proof texts, you can come to the conclusion that salvation can be lost based on Hebrews chapters 6 and 10 and Ezekiel chapter 3 among others. Then you grab a few obscure verses like falling from grace to prop up your agenda. So you can use the Bible to teach that a person can lose their salvation. This comes from following an agenda instead of following the Bible rightly divided. The other side of the argument uses John chapter 10 among others, and teaches that salvation is eternally secure. This is the correct position but incorrectly taught if you choose to use John chapter 10 as your “proof text”. The book of John starts out telling you “he came unto his own” (John 1:11). This is easily proven because Jesus told us he was only sent to Israel and told his disciples not to go to the Gentiles. John 4:22 says “for salvation is of the Jews” this follows exactly what Jesus said. John 5:29 teaches works. John 20:9 the disciples this late in John still did not understand the resurrection, which is what our gospel is all about. Romans 15:8 is crystal clear. This all makes complete sense because the middle wall of partition is still up between the Jews and Gentiles in the book of John. Read Ephesians chapter 2 for more clarification on this subject. So what about the verses in Hebrews? Simply put; why are you reading a book named “Hebrews” and getting doctrine for us today in the age of Grace? You’re reading someone else’s mail and trying to force it into another context. Paul was called directly by Jesus to be the Apostle of the Gentiles. We absolutely use the “Hebrew Epistles” for our learning but the Hebrew epistles do not contain our marching orders for the dispensation of Grace that we are in now. Hebrews chapter 11 is still one of my favorite chapters, but we are not the “audience” of Hebrews doctrinally. I can learn much from this book but I do not find doctrine for my daily life here. Hebrews chapters 6 and 10 have a clear dispensational answer which we have already taught about here at Grace Bible Study. The fact is we are eternally saved if we have trusted in the gospel of the grace of God which was revealed by the Apostle Paul. No we don’t preach Paul, we preach Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery (Romans 16:25) and that mystery was revealed to Paul. Don’t believe me, read Ephesians Ch 3 and Colossians Ch 1 for the Bible’s explanation. Choosing the Bible over tradition is a hard thing. The division we see today proves the majority choose to stand with their tradition.
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AuthorSteve Schoenberger is a student of the Bible and the minister at Abundant Grace Bible Fellowship, A Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible church teaching the Bible rightly divided according the revelation of the mystery delivered to the Apostle Paul Archives
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