A while back I had a person ask me if I thought Grace churches put too much emphasis on II Timothy 2:15. I have thought about this question several times since then. I do agree that denominations in general pick the verses they want to emphasize and then drive them into peoples heads constantly. One example is Acts 2:38 and Mark 16:16 which are the whole foundation for those groups that think water is required for salvation. There is one big difference with this example and that of II Timothy 2:15. I can teach the concept of right division of the Bible with hundreds of verses and examples Sunday after Sunday and the people relying on Acts 2:38 and Mark 16:16 can’t. The Bible teaches for itself the fact that we must rightly divide it in many ways. It just so happens that the Apostle to the Gentiles, Paul very clearly states the need to rightly divide the scripture. Books of the Bible themselves tell us who the words are addressed to. Why would a person take a book clearly addressed to Israel and then steal SOME of the verses and teach that they belong to the body of Christ today? Tradition! You pastor was taught to do this. And if he was not taught this because he did not go to Bible college then he learned it from the pastors he sat under. The Bible DOES NOT teach this, man must tell you these things. It cannot be denied that Jesus said he was sent to Israel. This is the basis for right division of the Bible, believing the WORDS EXACTLY as they are written. It cannot be denied the Jesus told the disciples NOT to go to Gentiles. It cannot be denied that Paul was called to go DIRECTLY to the people the disciples were told NOT TO. Why then would you read the book of first John for example and think the words are directly to you when scripture says they are NOT? I believe every word in first John. I can only do this because I know first John is NOT to me today. Why does this matter? Because first John teaches works are required for salvation and to keep your salvation. Why can I still say I believe all these words exactly as written? Because I know WHO they were written to and I know thy are NOT written to us today in the age of grace and doctrine for us now. Yes, they are doctrine, but NOT for today in this age. This is no different than the book of Hebrews that clearly teaches the loss of one’s salvation. I believe ALL these words exactly as written because I know they are NOT to me today. The churches I attended my whole life rarely if ever taught out of Hebrews, especially verse by verse because they have no clue how to properly handle these verses. I do! I believe them EXACTLY as they are written. Yes, they teach you can loose salvation. NO this is NOT doctrine for us today. There is a confidence that comes with a proper understanding of scripture. This is why Paul specifically said knowledge puffeth up. Because the Bible can be understood by anyone if they would only abandon the tradition their pastor teaches them and become a Bible believer. Not a pick and choose verse believer, but a person that has the knowledge to believe every verse exactly as written. Outside of the right division of the Bible this is IMPOSSIBLE! Does II Timothy 2:15 say this? Yes! Is this concept clearly taught all over the Bible? Yes! Then I must ask, why don’t you believe it?
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AuthorSteve Schoenberger is a student of the Bible and the minister at Abundant Grace Bible Fellowship, A Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible church teaching the Bible rightly divided according the revelation of the mystery delivered to the Apostle Paul Archives
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