I was recently sent a link to a Fox News article. In this article, another “prophecy expert” is predicting the Rapture will happen on April 23rd. Once again someone is looking to the stars to predict what scripture says can’t be predicted. Every few months another book is published, another article is written, and each one shows the inability of the writer to grasp the subject. These experts spend hundreds of hours studying the “end times” and drive thousands of miles to attend prophecy conferences. Ultimately, their dates come and go and the world looks on at the madness. The underlying problem with each of them is the same. These experts are dispensational to a point because they are taking the Bible literally in many places. The problem is these experts are not Pauline in doctrine. The Rapture is mystery information that was revealed by the Apostle Paul. The Rapture is the “blessed hope” (Titus 2:13) of the church the Body of Christ. The Bible clearly tells us the Body of Christ was a mystery not revealed until this information was given to Paul. The Rapture is NOT a subject of prophecy. The Body of Christ is to walk by faith not by sight. You are NOT to be looking for signs in the stars! Prophecy and mystery are separate and distinct in scripture. We are not in prophetic times. If words mean anything, Peter’s “last days” (Acts 2:17) have been going on for over 2000 years. It takes Paul’s open rebuke of Peter for him to realize God set Israel aside and changed the program. (Acts 15, Gal 2) This change in dispensations is unknown to the vast majority of Christianity today. The failure to rightly divide prophecy from mystery is exactly why people will go to the book of Revelation (Prophecy) and look for clues about the Rapture (Mystery). You do NOT have to worry about April 23rd, or any other date setter’s false claims. These “experts” are using prophecy information to attempt to predict something related to the mystery information given by Paul. We can learn much from studying Daniel’s 70th week or the Day of the Lord, but we will never see these things, nor will any member of the Body of Christ. God removes his ambassadors off the earth before the prophecy program starts back up. Today in the dispensation of the Grace of God it is God’s will that all be saved. (1 Tim 2:4) Once the “end times” start it is NO LONGER God’s will that all can be saved. (2 Thes 2:11) The prophecy program and the mystery program CANNOT operate at the same time. The problem is Christianity has no idea how to rightly divide prophecy from mystery. You would be better off ignoring the “end times” studies at your church and learning the gospel of the Grace of God that Jesus revealed to Paul. Instead we sit around arguing about who the 24 elders are in Revelation while the world around us goes to hell. Prophecy does make sense when you rightly divide it from the mystery information found in Paul’s 13 books. NO date set by the experts will EVER be correct because prophecy and mystery DO NOT run together in the Bible. The Rapture is a subject revealed in the mystery program and the second coming of Christ is the subject of prophecy. These events are separate and distinct in scripture.
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AuthorSteve Schoenberger is a student of the Bible and the minister at Abundant Grace Bible Fellowship, A Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible church teaching the Bible rightly divided according the revelation of the mystery delivered to the Apostle Paul Archives
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