I’m sitting here tonight processing the past 12 or so days. It has been a challenging time for our family. No doubt many of those reading this blog have walked through similar times. The loss of my mother in law Donna was not expected and one of the things we dread in life. When I started our church about three and a half years ago she was there and pretty much every Sunday since. She was so thankful to gain an understanding of how clearly the Bible can be understood by simply following the words in the Bible and not preconceived agendas created by man. She loved her Bible and studied every day. She was truly a workman that needeth not to be ashamed. She loved encouraging others and spent many hours praying for those around her. Paul tells us that every part of the body of Christ is important and needful. Every part fulfills a purpose and is vital to the edification of the body. Parts of the body of Christ can’t be voted in nor can they be voted out. These are contrivances of man. You become a member of the body of Christ by salvation and the sealing of the Holy Spirit. With each member of the body that goes home to be with the Lord those of us left behind must fill in the space left vacant and fitly compact the body again so we can continue to fulfill our purpose to share the mystery and to reconcile the world to Christ. How awesome it is to be able to be thankful in days like these. We sorrow yes, but not as others who have no hope. We mourn the loss but are fully assured of the day we will see our loved ones again. The Bible is clear when we set aside man’s ideas and opinions. If you struggle to understand the Bible, there’s nothing my mother in law would love more than to see you understand the scriptures as God intended. You only have man’s tradition to lose but you have a lifetime of understanding to gain. Interested?
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AuthorSteve Schoenberger is a student of the Bible and the minister at Abundant Grace Bible Fellowship, A Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible church teaching the Bible rightly divided according the revelation of the mystery delivered to the Apostle Paul Archives
January 2025
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