July 2, 2022, marked the 5-year anniversary of Abundant Grace Bible Fellowship. I did not start our church to count numbers, but we have seen slow but steady growth. Taking a literal belief in the Bible’s teachings will almost always result in a small number of attendees each Sunday. Our church is built on doctrine being the focus, not tithing, building programs, and scores of “ministries” to take up every night of the week. Scripture tells us that many will not endure sound doctrine. In the past 5 years our people have learned that the Bible is to be believed as is. God has clearly revealed a two-fold purpose in scripture. An earthly purpose for his earthly people Israel. Israel’s purpose is to have dominion on the earth. This will come to fruition in the future after God has purified Israel during the tribulation when Jesus himself sits on a physical throne in Jerusalem and rules the world just as the Bible teaches. This plan has been robbed from Jesus and scripture by virtually everyone today so churches can teach that Jesus is ruling in your heart. This is the allegorical interpretation of the OT prophets and what Jesus said in the gospels. Most Christians don’t even understand that they follow an allegorical interpretation of scripture. The heavenly purpose God has revealed in scripture is his plan for dominion in heavenly places. The church of this dispensation, the body of Christ will fulfill this plan of God. God will someday cast Satan and his devils out of heaven down to earth to judge them during the tribulation. The body of Christ fills these vacated places to rule the heavens for Christ. This is the literal interpretation of scripture. I understand it’s not what you have heard, but I can’t help that. The Biblical fact is that the streets of gold you sing about and are expecting to walk on in heaven are actually coming down to earth and you will be in Heaven. The Bible itself teaches the body of Christ will be in heaven when the streets of gold in new Jerusalem are on the earth. Far too many Christians get their doctrine from hymnals instead of scripture. What I show Christians is that the mixing of God’s 2 distinct and separate programs by Christianity over hundreds of years has made Bible believers a rare exception in Christianity. I show people every Sunday that you don’t need commentaries and theology professors to understand the Bible. They have had hundreds of years and Christianity is no closer to doctrinal agreement. Truth be told, the only thing bringing Christianity closer together today is the watering down of doctrine. Ever wonder why Paul’s books are verse after verse of DOCTRINE? Why do you think Paul’s books are barely utilized in today’s churches like they should be? The past 5 years have been both challenging and rewarding. The responsibility of preaching Jesus according to the revelation of the mystery (Rom 16:25) is everyone’s ministry. I can only wish more people would want to know how. I was taught a few dispensational principles years ago and instantly noticed how perfectly the Bible can be understood by letting THE BIBLE, not my tradition, tell me who is being spoken to. The Bible determines the context, not you or I. 12 Apostles were given to minister and rule the 12 tribes of Israel. The 1 Apostle of this dispensation was given to the 1 body of Christ to follow according to scripture. The program of the 12 and of the 1 do not mix. Learn Paul’s mystery about the ONE BODY the new creature and free yourself from tradition. You will never regret your willingness to trust scripture over tradition.
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AuthorSteve Schoenberger is a student of the Bible and the minister at Abundant Grace Bible Fellowship, A Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible church teaching the Bible rightly divided according the revelation of the mystery delivered to the Apostle Paul Archives
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